My Thoughts On The Movie "The Freedom Writers"

  After watching this movie I really think it impacted me in the way that I saw everything differently than when I did when we first started watching the movie. When Ms.G's students first got to her class and were disrespectful and disrespecting Ms'G and each other and talking over her and really not caring what she had to say. At first it got me upset and I was thinking how it was so disrespectful and such a bad impression already but then I realized that we do that too and we don't care and realize how it really reflects on how we look. But everyone hated eachother besides their kind. To see Ms.G just switch everything around was very powerful and even though the other teachers didn't like her and the way she thought differently and for Ms.G just to ignore them and not let them get to her was a really good demonstration on the youth showing us we shouldn't let other people bring us down. If I was in her place I probably wouldn't done the things she did and I don't think I'd be able to have that self confidence like Ms.G. She saw how the school was very diverse but how each kind didn't get along and she wanted to change that. The students were always fighting and harassing eachother but she changed those students around and taught them things that no other teacher probably would've. The main thing she taught them though was to preserve, preserve themselves over their difficult life's. She was realistic and she was confident in what she said and wasn't scared to speak up and what she thought and I think that's why she was really able to change her students and engage them into what she was saying.


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