The Best Advice I've Recieved

   6th grade middle of the year or so, while I was in a difficult place with myself in life I had gone to the hospital and while I was there this really down to earth mentor would come to talk to us and he noticed I stood out differently from the other girls there. After one of the meetings/discussions we had he came to talk to me and asked why I don't participate in the discussions and acted like I did and why I would isolate myself. All I would every say was I was just tired and didn't want to talk. Slowly I gained trust and started opening up to him but he would always try to stay objective about what I would say and any thoughts that I had that I would tell him. When my time was up at the hospital before I left he told me "Sometimes when you're going through something difficult in your life all you need is to talk and let everything out and not bottle yourself up and isolate yourself and act like everything's perfect because in reality nobody's perfect and that's okay. Even if it's out of your comfort zone to open up sometimes you have to step out of it." I think after he told me that I slowly did step out and even though it was something difficult and new for me.


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